

Explore my art

Discover my journey as an artist. Whether you're a potential employer looking for talent or a fellow artist seeking inspiration, this is where my creativity is showcased.

Originally, I wanted to animate an anatomical heart to be thrown at a wall- Instead, I made the universal symbol a canvas that can be interpreted differently by its textures and environments. I originally textured it red like a bloody heart. Unfortunately, I am limited to being anatomically incorrect and it looked like raw steak- so I changed my idea and made a few textured variations of the heart that can be related to metaphors. My project had a time limit so instead of animating the heart being thrown I focused on understanding a heartbeat and its movement. All this while learning the functionalities and mysteries of Blender. My mkv WIP video files showed glitches, but, with help, they were salvaged and used in the final compilation created with After Effects and most importantly Premiere Pro. The over-stimulating imagery inspired me to add unpleasant, slightly overwhelming, layered sounds. So I used 7 songs layered them and had them all play at once and raise up and down in volume throughout 2 minutes. The goal was to demonstrate how overlapping sounds are overstimulating and can overwhelm a heart.

3D Models & Sculpts


Sculpted in ZBrush, Textured in Substance Painter, Retopologized setup and posed in Maya, compiled in After Effects.

Atlas Sculpt.

Sculpted in ZBrush, textured in Substance Painter, rendered and setup in Blender, compiled in After Effects

3D Animations

Pikachu Walk Cycle.

Rigged Pikachu Model used from the Agora community website. Animated, textured, and playblast in Maya.

Wave practice.

The rigged hand model was provided. Animated and playblasted in Maya.

Hand Walking Animation.

The rigged hand model was provided. Animated, textured, setup, and playblasted in Maya.



The racetrack was created in Maya. Curves were used to make a path. Parenting locators, the character, and the cart helped animate the movement across the racetrack. The locators were parented to curves and the character to the locators. I changed the provided SK Racer character’s color scheme in Photoshop. I textured the scene in Maya and playblasted.

After browsing my creations, let me know if you have any questions.

Looking forward to connecting with you!
Johnston, RI 02919